Event Details:

Get to know more about what makes this event happen

The Delta Pastor Cohort’s purpose is to bring pastors and ministry leaders together from across the delta to be encouraged and equipped for their churches. We will explore the four gospels to identify Jesus' rhythms and discover how each can apply to your specific ministry context. Key questions like — Does God's church have a mission, or does God's mission have a church?, Are you a pastor or an equipper or both?, What are "spiritual disciplines" and what is "spiritual maturity"? — will be explored and discussed.

NOTE: This page will receive updates in the future. Look out for changes in price and specific dates for each session.

Meet the leaders.

Guy Burke

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter: @gsburke3
Guy has pastored First Baptist Church Indianola for the last 8 years. Previous ministry stops include FBC Greenville, and FBC Atlanta. He is married to Lindsay and has 3 wonderful children!

 Jason Dukes

LinkedIn | @JasonCDukes
Twitter | @LiveSent
Jason Dukes is a learner, skeptic, strategist, futurist, author, and coach; but his wife and 7 kids would say expert pancake and popcorn maker.  In 2020, he noticed we were culturally in the early stages of a 2nd Renaissance & a Decentralized (Industrialized) Revolution, so he founded theDecentCo.io to encourage life-giving purpose in a web3 world.

  • Serving in various ministry positions within established churches for 20 years
  • Point leader for numerous mission teams
  • Pastor training/equipping in El Salvador, China, and Vancouver
  • Leadership Coach for 242 Network in Mississippi
  • Mississippi College
  • New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary
  • Over 25 years in church, non-profit, network, & for-profit entrepreneurialism
  • Previously college minister in Orlando, strategic coach for college church starts in Montreal, and currently overseeing a college disciple making startup among four Nashville universities
  • 15 years experience as lead church starter, church starting coach and network leader, and lead pastor
  • Equipper for disciple-making in the daily
  • Author of Live Sent, Inviting Along, & beyond MY church
  • Union University
  • New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary
  • Currently a New Testament adjunct professor at Belmont University

Schedule and Pricing:

The first session kicks off August 26th at FBC Indianola. This event consists of a total of eight sessions from August to December:

Event Kickoff (Session 1):  September 9th - 9:00 am -3:00pm    |     *Lunch Provided
Sessions 2: September 22nd - 1:30-2:30pm
Sessions 4-5: October 6th & 20th - 1:30-2:30pm
Sessions 6-7: November 3rd & 17th - 1:30 - 2:30pm
Session 8: December 8th. & 9th, Time TBA

The total cost for these sessions is $500 per person, $250 up front and $250 after session four. If this pricing does not fit your budget, please reach out to let us know what might work best for you! Click the button below to begin registration!